Social Media Monitoring Project Part Two [HUAWEI]


In the previous part, we started monitoring the latest phone product series of Huawei—Huawei Mate 10 series, and realized its difficulties in developing in the United States not only because of its powerful competitors like Apple and Samsung but because of the regulation from the US government, which cut off Huawei's main purchase channels in the United States.
In this part, we're focusing on analyzing the latest statistics and figuring out some recommendations for Huawei's future strategies for Huawei Mate 10 series products in the United States.

New Information

Slogan "WOWWAY"

To promote its latest product, Huawei Mate 10 Pro, Huawei not only shows the poster of it on the home page of PHONES but also designed a slogan “WOWWAY” pronounced as same as “Huawei” to enhance its brand awareness in the United States. Here potential customers can directly find the purchase channels and check the price and reviews.
Huawei also started using hashtag "WOWWAY" on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Google trends

Keywords: “Huawei”, “Huawei Mate 10”, “Huawei Mate 10 Pro”

The yellow line introduces the overall popularity fluctuation of Huawei brand in the US for the past year. The climax in mid-November mainly resulted from the hot topic of artificial intelligence technology of Huawei Mobile. It kept a climbing trend after its release date, mostly because of the discussion on the driverless car powered by Huawei Mate 10 Pro. That shows people are passionate about the AI technology developed by Huawei.  Nevertheless, the passion seems to retreat from the last month.

When we look at interest by region, New Hampshire is on top of the list, followed by Kansas, Texas, California, and Arkansas. That shows southeast and northwest regions need more tapping strategies and investment.

In related queries, Huawei Mate 10 Pro gain the most popularity, followed by the price and reviews of it. That tells us what people care most about the latest phone and which part Huawei can invest more in leaving a good impression of Huawei Mate 10.

Social Mention

Those screenshots are taken on February 27, March 8 and March 20 respectively, from which you can see the trend of social mention of Huawei mate 10 in these two months. According to, at the end of March 2018, Huawei Mate 10 series had a neutral and positive brand in social media. Overall, Social Mention gave Huawei Mate 10 series 54% in strength, 13% passion, and 51% in reach. Low negative sentiment and passion probably due to that there’s only a short period after this new phone came out and insufficient reviews on it, but we could still notice the ascending strength and deeper reach, which means this new product is discussed more and gaining influence in social media; lower sentiment, which shows there’re sprouting negative conversations about this new product; higher passion, which probably means some users love the product.
The top hashtags including mwc2018, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and technology show the features people interested in about Huawei mate 10. From the part of sources, we can see Twitter, Reddit and Topix are the main platforms talking about Huawei Mate 10, telling Huawei should be more cautious and prudent about opinions and ideas on those platforms. The last parttop users shows that Huawei mate 10 still hasn’t gained much performance in the United States because most of the top users are from India, Pakistan, and Europe.




SWOT Analysis

From the four aspects, Huawei knows the advantages it should keep and disadvantages it should adjust and improve:

Conclusion & Suggestions

By monitoring and using different metrics to analyze Huawei’s performance on several social media platforms, we can see Huawei’s objective for tapping the groundswell is in the transition from listening to talking. Huawei did a great job in its strategies to improve brand awareness and interactions on popular social platforms. At present, its most urgent task is dealing with the issues of cybersecurity and building trust in the United States by strategies such as creating story-telling videos. Facing limitations on purchasing channels, Huawei is supposed to cooperate with more retailers and brands to make up for lost carriers. On social media platforms, more experienced teams should engage in the conversations with the groundswell to take advantage of word of mouth. After building a stronger customer base and knowing more about the groundswell, Huawei can move to the objectives like energizing, supporting and embracing its groundswell.
