Social Media Monitoring Project Part one [HUAWEI]

I. Introduction

Huawei Technologies is a telecom solutions company that offers infrastructure application software and devices with wireline, wireless, and IP technologies.  It was founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former engineer in the People's Liberation Army of China.  As common customers, we first knew Huawei by its mobile phones but not by its services and solutions of information communication technology (ICT).

Currently, Huawei sells 34 smartphones, 11 laptops and tablets, and nine wearables on its Chinese official website, but for smartphones in the USA, only three series on its US official website are available now, which are Mate, Ascend XT2 and Elate.  Other popular high-ranking phones produced by Huawei conclude P series, Honor (a sub-brand owned by Huawei), and Mate series.  All these phones feature EMUI, the user interface based on Android, which is developed by Huawei itself.  Among Mate series phones, series Mate is targeted at high-spending consumers who would accept price from $500 (Mate 9 & Mate 10) to $1200 (Mate 10 pro & Porsche Design), but Elate and Ascend XT2 are much cheaper, no more than $100.

Nevertheless, 2018 hasn’t been very good for Huawei.  Huawei failed to make its big partnerships with carriers AT&T and Verizon, because of the pressure from the US government, sources say.  Though we could still purchase Huawei smartphones on Amazon, BestBuy, Walmart and other retailers, without the carriers paving ways, the promotions and selling performance would be negatively impacted.  What the future will be?  How can Huawei make up for the lost deals?  Is there any other way for Huawei to expand its influence?  Voices coming from the groundswell are telling us something valuable.

II. Social Media Huawei uses

Huawei is currently represented on social media platforms include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTobe, Instagram, and Pinterest etc..

This post focuses on monitoring three major platforms that Huawei uses currently, the official account in the USA, and one of Huawei's mobile catogories—Huawei mate 10 series.  Here's a video about this series:

According to the chart below, we can see Facebook gains the most fans, followed by Twitter and Instagram.  I still feel confused about the difference between the two handles Huawei Mobile and Huawei Smartphones, because they are almost like the same to me but they both exist on Twitter.  Among these handles, Huawei Mobile seems to be used to release ads and activities about Huawei's new handsets and other electronic devices and never replies to comments and questions; HuaweiDeviceUSA is relatively more active than other official accounts, but it still needs to engage more with its critics and conversationalists.

Facebook Public Group

a. Facebook

On Facebook, there three official accounts operated by Huawei, which are Huawei Mobile, Huawei Technologies and Huawei Smartphones.  Compared to that of Twitter or Instagram, users following Huawei are the most on Facebook.  Some of the review pages show that though Huawei replied to some of its comments and questions, it tended to reply to comments which are positive, neutral or relatively short.  One thing good is that Huawei has its Facebook public group, where its customers can share photos and raise questions about Huawei phones, and group members are active and supporting each other.

Twitter Comments Replies

b. Twitter

On Twitter, Huawei’s replies are more friendly and close to the ground, but it seems that few people are in charge of these official accounts even they would use other official accounts (also belongs to Huawei) to reply.  For example, when a user asked a question in a tweet by Huawei Mobile USA, the employee in Huawei used Honor USA account to reply to comments made for tweets by Huawei Mobile USA, which would probably cause confusion and fail to draw line between two brands of Huawei.  There are efforts Huawei made to energize its customer, but it’s done by Huawei Mobile UK, not HuaweiDeviceUSA.  What’s more, those different handles show inconsistency within social media strategies of Huawei in different area.

no engagement on Instagram

no replies on Instagram

c. Instagram

No replies on Instagram in most comments. The official account is mainly used to release some news about electrical devices and activities.  Many questions and critics are neglected in comment pages.

d. Other

there are also forums about Huawei mate 10 series, where people raise questions, solve problems and support each other here.  On AdroidCentral, there are many groups in Huawei Android Phone Forum, such as group “Huawei Mate 10 & Mate 10 Pro”.  Other forums on XDAdevelopers and iFixit also share similar characteristics and functions.  More details will be included in my final report analysis.

III. Metrics

a. HowSociable 

(HowSociable's magnitude score provides an indication of the level of activity around a brand during a given week. The range is from 0 to 10. A score of zero means there is zero or near zero activity for the brand. A score of 10 means the brand has practically saturated the social web and will likely be recognized by everyone that uses it.)

From the results produced by HowSociable, except Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, Huawei are active on the platform YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google+.  Communities active in those platforms will be introduced and analyzed later in the final report.

b. TweetReach

From stats on TweetReach, there were approximately 15,016,040 tweets talking about Huawei Mate 10 series so far since it's known by the public.  However, most of the tweets were sent by users who don’t have many followers.   The biggest contributor might be @ndtv, followed by @Gadgets360 and the most retweeted one is created by AFP news agency @AFP.  That means Huawei Mate 10 series still needs to reach the ground, nurture more enthusiasts and energize more influencers.

c. Google trend

a) Keyword “Huawei”

The chart introduces the overall popularity fluctuation of Huawei brand in US for the past year.  The climax in mid-November mainly resulted from the hot topic of artificial intelligence technology of Huawei Mobiles.  It still displays a climbing trend since January 16th, mostly because of the spotlight on the driverless car powered by Huawei Mate 10 Pro and etc..  Here's the video introducing the phone driving a car:

When we look at interest by region, New Hampshire is on top of the list, followed by Kansas, Texas, California, and Arkansas.  More information needs to be found to analyze that.

b) Keywords “Huawei honor”, “Huawei Mate 10”, “Huawei P10”, “Huawei P9”, “Samsung Galaxy S9”

Huawei Mobiles & Samsung Galaxy S9

(These Keywords are selected according to Best Huawei Phone 2018 by PhoneRated.)

It is clear in the graph that Huawei P10 gains recent global popularity among these main series produced by Huawei, followed by Huawei Mate 10.  Samsung Galaxy S9, one of the latest phone released by Samsung, is added to the graph to compare their popularity.  We can notice the stable climbing purple line representing Samsung Galaxy S suddenly rocketed far beyond those of Huawei mobiles this month, mainly because S9 officially went to public days before.  Huawei mobiles also experienced several peaks, which are mainly caused by public passion about its new phone releases.  For example, the first and highest peak representing Huawei P9 occurred on October 16th, the date when Huawei P9 was first launched.

However, among the Huawei categories, the most popular and influencing one in the US is Huawei Mate series, which are relatively expensive than other series like Huawei P series, showing stronger purchase power US citizens have than that of the global average.

c) Keywords “Apple”, “Samsung”, “Huawei”

Nevertheless, when comparing keywords “Apple”, “Samsung” and “Huawei” searched in the US, we can find how strong these two competitors are and how greater their influence than Huawei on the population in the US.

d. Social Mention

According to, at the end of January 2018, Huawei Mate 10 series had a neutral and positive brand in social media.  Overall, Social Mention gave Huawei Mate 10 series 44% in strength, 6% passion, and 43% in reach.  Low negative sentiment and passion probably due to that there’s only a short period after this new phone came out and insufficient reviews on it.  Mwc2018 is on the top of hashtags, showing Huawei mate 10 did catch people's attention and is making influence by World Mobile Conference.  What's more, the Sources tells us in the past month, Huawei mate 10 series are discussed most on Twitter.
The stats didn't change much during the whole February, which probably means that time is needed to observe the public opinion and reactions to Huawei Mate 10 series.

Ⅳ  Conclusion Thoughts combined with Groundswell Five Objectives:

- Listening: 

More investment should be in managing those official accounts in the USA to avoid confusion and enhance efficiency in replies.

- Talking:

 Most of the official accounts are introducing new devices and activities by themselves. Though many positive comments show on comment pages, it seemed Huawei didn’t take good advantage of the word of mouth, at least on Instagram, where shows selected replies or no replies at all.

- Energizing:

 Huawei in the UK did a better job than Huawei in the US.  More information of this part needs to be discovered.

- Supporting:

 Huawei did a better job in this part than the previous parts.  Its big communities show activeness on Facebook and Google+.

- Embracing:

 More information needs to be discovered.
