[Original #1] The Last Thing You Need for the Tough Winter

Compared to the United States, China began its fitness wave much later. Since the State Council issued the National Fitness Program in the half of 2016, fitness industry and culture became promising and gradually popular among all generations, especially those young adults who hold high-standard for their body shapes. As what is shown in figure 1.1 from Baidu Index, a platform sharing online searching data, the search for keyword “fitness” steadily climbed since 2014. 

Figure 1.1 The search for “fitness” from 2011 to 2017 on Baidu

Doing exercise regularly is a healthy way to keep fitness and desirable body shape. With more and more studies on losing weight, eating healthily and keeping fit, latest research has shown that dieters always end in gaining weight back by dieting inappropriately and damaging their metabolic rate. Then people start looking for proper and longer lasting approaches to staying slim or becoming muscular. Meanwhile, since modern life moves so fast, most of the young generations lack time, money and space

Targeting mainly young contemporaries who want to lose weight, stay slim or build muscle, Ning Wang, who is on Forbes's list of 30 outstanding Asian entrepreneurs under 30 in 2016, created Keep, a social fitness app.

Ning Wang is very smart. By cooperating with popular creators followed by numerous users on relatively mature social network platforms such as Weibo, Keep attracted multifarious testers in its primary stage of development. At first, Keep limited its functions by only providing carefully-designed training courses including aerobics and anaerobic. After making people familiar with courses and gaining enough quality users, the team of Keep designed for them a social platform——helping users building relationships and communities. Users started the search and follow other users sharing similar goals or with great fitness plans. That’s how the community was built.

With advanced technology and connected people who are able to obtain what they want, Keep keeps its way on gaining popularity and has more than 100 million keepers in the second half of 2017.

I've been using Keep since it was first launched in 2015. My 2017 Keep report tells me it has been my training company for more than 2 years and accompanied me during all the accumulated 17316 mins of training. It’s easy to get started. After entering this app, you simply click one course that has its specific purpose such as to build abs or to burn calories, and you could start whenever and wherever you want, providing solutions fast and saving much time and money. That’s exactly what busy users want.

Now Keep has evolved into an app with various functions like online courses & shops, food recipe recommendations, built-in social platform, and customized training plan etc. Via this app, I could choose multifarious training challenging myself and get inspiration from posts created by quality users I followed who stick to their fitness goals and have great shape. Most importantly, sharing real-time progress online tracks my training and builds my sense of achievement. What a nice app ——feeding you both physically and mentally.

However, Keep still needs to figure out how to make profits since its active users expand so quickly. As we all know, free instrumental products sooner or later have to face commercialization. Currently, Keep doesn’t embed ads and do sell its own brand sports products. Nevertheless, I believe as the users rely more and more on the free solutions provided by Keep, they would buy in even if those solutions charge fees later. Besides, by accumulating its 10 million users’ working out data, Keep could analyze their habits and figure out profitable programs. That shows Keep has huge potential for its profitability. 

Nowadays, many creators forget the original feature and purpose of creating their apps. They are dying to attract users and thus blindly imitate whatever the hottest features welcomed by net citizens. Needless to say, user stickiness only lasts for a short period of time under such circumstance. On the contrary, Keep keeps its originality and soberly tailors features according to keepers’ needs. When any of my friends ask me to recommend a social fitness app, Keep will be the one!


  1. Thank you for you interesting and useful information! I like your blog and i will wait you next blog. Good luck!=))

  2. The last paragraph of your blog really makes sense. I think app developers need to figure out the essential target users when they start a project. It's meaningless to add more features just for attracting more users.

    1. Yes, that’s why we say “stay true to the original self”.

  3. I really appreciate your posts talking about the training and fitness because one of your hobby is keeping fit in campus so why you choose this topic that I can imagine. I really like your thoughts and contexts with substantive pictures. They give me much of power and vigor as a young people. App as the most convenient social tool can help you monitor your process of fitness. I believe most of people loving fitness also follow App as their first choice. I just have some suggestions that you can discuss more about the marketing part and link to some contents we talk about from material or class, which will be better. And you can also lead some questions for audience to think, I think audience will be more interested in your content and critically thinking about it because the post is not useful to sports enthusiast but also crucial to anyone who wants to be healthy. All the pictures are vigorous and vernal, I really love it. You have done great job of research for your topic.

    1. Sound advice! From a reader’s perspective, I’d like to read an article with imformative materials like video and link as well. Thank you for reminding again!

  4. It's so nice that you mentioned something about KEEP, I tried KEEP before, it was really useful for me to keep training regularly. Although I don't use it now, I strongly agree with what you talked about the benefits of this app.

    1. You make me curious about why you stop using it hahaha...

  5. Hey Yang,

    I'm also an active user of KEEP. I tried another fitting app called FitTime in the past, but I have to say some of its function are a mess and are not user-friendly whatsoever. Then a friend of mine recommended KEEP to me. The most amazing part KEEP can provide you, I think, is the video step-by-step training course which you can perform at home with simple equipment (dumbbell, barbell and yoga mat). It's a good new for someone, like me, who are too lazy to go to the gym everyday. :P Looking forward to your next post!

    1. Absolutely, and those audio instructions embedded in training really make sense! Just like a private coach~

  6. Hi Yang,

    Keep sounds really interesting and well thought out! I really liked your statement you made about the younger generation, about lacking time, money, and space. I completely agree! The trick about introducing new social media apps is functionality and longevity. From your research, I think Keep is doing a great job maintaining both of those standards by incorporating new features, such as the customizable training plan and the food recipe recommendations, to promote a healthy lifestyle! I really enjoyed your blog post!

    1. I'm glad you like it! Yes, to compete with so many apps, app designers do need to carefully figure out how to maintain functionality and longevity of their apps. Since Keep has been incorporating and improving its features and functions, it's easy for it to get complicated and overwhelming. And I think that's one of the problems as well. But it's still worth trying!

  7. Your profile photo is so pretty! And the idea you shared is also very interesting!

    1. I’m so glad you say that😘 this photo is took by one of my friends in my home town. I really like it as well... Maybe you should try this app, it’s amazing!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Everyone loses direction sometimes especially when he or she doesn't have a goal. Honestly, you need a goal. You'll never regret to spend sometime in Cancun. Thanks!


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